Laser Tag in Atlanta

You all have heard of laser tag indoor games and laser tag in Arizona played in special gaming arenas. If you don't fall on the typical 'youth zone' who are fanatics for this gaming rage then this article will apprise you what exactly is laser tag in Atlanta and how you should face it once your extrovert friends have dragged you in an encounter. Games like Call of Duty and Halo can be double the fun with your friends in gaming environment complete with dark lights, walls for hideaways and rooms bellowing with smoke to create a thrilling atmosphere. All you can see distinctly are laser beams when shooting is going on between you and your opponents in the arena for laser tag in Atlanta.

Laser Tag in Atlanta

The Game

Laser tag in Atlanta is a game of wits and cleverness, stealth and planning. The game feels more real at times as you are not only engaged in it with your mind and senses, but your physical being is also exposed to intense gaming atmosphere- dark lights in smoky rooms with barricades placed around for you to hide.

The Equipment

Laser tag in Atlanta consists of the following paraphernalia and atmosphere.

  • A Pack/Vest
    Thesis comes with built-in sensors and speakers which you wear on your body. The sensors record information of how many times you got hit. This is later downloaded on a computer at the end of the game to know who won.
  • A Gun/Phaser
    A laser tag in Atlanta phaser projects a laser beam, from a barrel, which is completely harmless. Its intensity is the same as the infra red beam of your TV remote control. This game is totally mess free in this manner.
  • The Arena
    A perfect gaming arena of laser tag in Atlanta will be loaded with walls and walking ramps. You will have obstacles like drums and barrels to hide behind. The atmosphere will be dark with few dim lights and bellowing smoke that gives it all a thrilling look.
  • The Game Plan
    The marshal who looks over the laser tag in Atlanta gaming zone will explain to you how to wear your pack and use the gadgets to your advantage. A set of verbal values will also be dictated to you as follows:
    -No Running as it triples the risk of your injury as well as harm to your friends lest you stumble upon or hit people in the dark.
    -No Climbing and
    No Physical Contact- you get the point- SAFETY! You definitely would like to come out of the laser tag in Atlanta zone with your friends all flushed with excitement (rather than worry).

Pointers for New Comers

There are some things which you may not know if you are taking along your family or all your friends are newbies for laser tag in Atlanta. Note these points:

  • Wear dark clothes
  • Wear comfortable shoes – no heels or flip flops
  • Inspect the layout to know the good spots for hiding and shooting out
  • Hit from upper levels to people below
  • Walk sideways for greatest protection
  • Shoot in rapid fire motion if your aim is pathetic.
  • Drink lot of water to keep yourself hydrated.